York Society for Human Resources Management

Created to add extra value to chapter members and designed to bring together HR related businesses, service providers and our general membership. This is a great opportunity for businesses to present and promote their product or service to HR professionals from the York region. It also provides our members with an opportunity to evaluate various HR related tools to help them in performing their roles in human resources.

Sponsorship Program


York SHRM is pleased to announce its sponsorship opportunities. The goal of the sponsorship program is to provide York SHRM members with access to organizations and vendors that benefit their company, and support human resources professionals.  The following sponsorship opportunities are available:


 Level  Bronze  Silver Gold 

Monthly Program Sponsor

Table to display information and network with YORK SHRM members at one breakfast OR lunch meeting per calendar year.

Registration for two complimentary company representatives for the event.

Opportunity to provide sponsor information at each attendee’s seat.

Logo displayed prior to speaker.

Up to 3 minutes to address the attendees prior to the speaker.

Company recognition as sponsor in email mailing.

On-line and social media marketing promotion.

 X  X  X

Business Directory Listing

Logo and company information on YORK SHRM website.

Link to sponsor's website.

 X  X  X

Fall Seminar Sponsor

Table to display information and network with YORK SHRM members.

Registration for two complimentary company representatives for the event.

   X  X

HR Recognition/Awards Sponsor

Table to display information and network with YORK SHRM members.

Registration for two complimentary company representatives for the event .

   X  X

2nd Monthly Program Sponsor

Table to display information and network with YORK SHRM members at one breakfast OR lunch meeting per calendar year.

Registration for two complimentary company representatives for the event.

Opportunity to provide sponsor information at each attendee’s seat.

Logo displayed prior to speaker.

Up to 3 minutes to address the attendees prior to the speaker.

Company recognition as sponsor in email and mailings, website and social media marketing promotion.

Cost $400   $800  $1,300


 Additional Opportunities  
Special HR Recognition/Awards Sponsorship Opportunity Speaker 

Table to display information and network with YORK SHRM Members

Registration for four (4) complimentary company representatives for the event

Opportunity to provide sponsor information at each attendee’s seat.

Up to 5 minutes to address the attendees.

Logo displayed throughout the advertising campaign of the event and prior to the speaker day of event.

Banner on website to include link to company website.

Company recognition as sponsor in email and mailings, website and social media marketing promotion.

 Speaker  One Available $2,000

Special HR Recognition/Awards Sponsorship Opportunity   Table to display information and network with YORK SHRM Members

Registration for two (2) complimentary company representatives for the event

Opportunity to provide sponsor information at each attendee’s seat.

Logo displayed throughout the advertising campaign of the event and prior to the speaker day of event.

Banner on website to include link to company website.

Company recognition as sponsor in email and mailings, website and social media marketing promotion

 Reception  Two Available $750

Fall Seminar/Half-Day Sponsor

Table to display information and network with YORK SHRM members.

Registration for up to four complimentary company representatives for the event

Opportunity to provide sponsor information at each attendee’s seat.

Up to 5 minutes to address the attendees at the seminar.

Logo displayed throughout the day of the seminar.

Company recognition as sponsor in email and mailings, website and social media marketing promotion.

Total Event  Two Available $1,000

Annual Website Sponsorship

Logo displayed on home page of the York SHRM website for one year.

Logo will be linked to company website.

Logo will rotate with other partners.

Partner may provide York SHRM monthly, educational updates to be posted on the York SHRM website and in Chapter communications to its member database

One Year




For more information and to sign up, contact our Sponsorship Chair.

York SHRM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization, Chapter #0444, PO Box 21029, York, PA 17402

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